Quotes From "Humanity" By Zaman Ali

Happiness is the purpose of humans so it must need...
Happiness is the purpose of humans so it must need to be for the good of others otherwise one’s happiness could hurt many others. Zaman Ali
Hope is human natural right but they have to keep...
Hope is human natural right but they have to keep it. Zaman Ali
No knowledge can summarize humans in one premise.
No knowledge can summarize humans in one premise. Zaman Ali
Knowledge leads towards different kind of societies then those societies don’t relate with each other because people in those societies think, act and reacts with their knowledge that create different ways of life and different recognitions of humans. Zaman Ali
Books have the power to create, destroy or change civilization.
Books have the power to create, destroy or change civilization. Zaman Ali
Human as an intellectual being needs answers about the existence for the purpose of knowing the way to live.” ― Zaman Ali, Humanitytags: being-answer, existence, human, intellect, knowing, live, purpose Zaman Ali
Each thinking mind is a political mind
Each thinking mind is a political mind Zaman Ali
From the day to till the day there are two...
From the day to till the day there are two humans living together they were and they will be involves in political process. Zaman Ali
Every political mean is imperfect.
Every political mean is imperfect. Zaman Ali
Humanity prevails over all other ideologies because one accept it or reject it for him but he cannot deny it because it is about him. Zaman Ali
Humanity must need to continue because humanity is about humans and humans are nothing without humanity. Zaman Ali
Death is the only fantasy that becomes real for all humans. Zaman Ali
Human ideologies are based on human believe and acceptance of one ideology by all human is not possible as long as each human could find answers about his existence by his own mind. Zaman Ali
Human believe what they want to believe and individual could believe according to his mind that why human never has any agreement on one ideology. Zaman Ali
Struggle of power is natural in human because with power their individuality prevails over others. Zaman Ali
Power is like prostitution and it could have pleasure for a while but it has to go to another man Zaman Ali
Passion belongs to nothing and reason belong to many things that’s why reason it is better than passion. Zaman Ali
What’s good for individual could be bad for society but what’s good for society that will be good for individual and there is always need to choose what right for society because if it is right for society then it is right for individual. Zaman Ali
It is greed that makes us human as it could be for good or bad. Zaman Ali
Human is what he decides to be. Zaman Ali
One can only describe the human but can never define it because humans are complex in their nature. Zaman Ali
Human as an intellectual being needs answers about the existence for the purpose of knowing the way to live. Zaman Ali
Everything is different and nothing is same in the universe. Zaman Ali
Good and bad lies within and without one other loses its mean and essence. Zaman Ali
Humanity is about raising up each other for good. Zaman Ali
There is bad in good and there is no good in bad. Zaman Ali
There is nothing right and wrong until anyone defines it. Zaman Ali